Thank you for supporting the ministry of First Presbyterian Church!
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What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is the spiritual practice of recognizing that all that we have belongs to God and that God is the source of all our gifts. With the time, talents, and resources that God has given us, we have the responsibility to use what we have to further God’s ongoing work in our world.
What is a pledge? Why should I make a pledge when I have been faithfully donating in other ways?
When we make a pledge to the church, we are making a commitment to financially support the congregation’s ministry in the coming year. Pledges help the church budget, plan programs, and forecast mission support. While every donation is deeply appreciated, those that come in the form of pledges help us to discern God’s call to us for the year ahead and help us to plan ahead for ways to implement, experiment, and grow.
If your financial situation changes after making a pledge, you can always amend it! We know life happens.
How much do I have to pledge?
There are no rules! A faithful pledge is between you, your family, and God. Scripture says the first 10 percent of our income should be dedicated to God (Deuteronomy 14:22), but that can be really hard in this day and age. A good rule of thumb: give enough that it impacts your life and shapes your values, but not so much that you’re scraping for breadcrumbs!
I can’t really give much right now. Does my contribution matter?
Absolutely. Every little bit matters. You are loved and a part of God’s family whether you give a penny or fund an endowment. You are loved and a part of this church whether you have a lot to give or nothing. Giving is a spiritual practice, no matter how much or how little you have to offer at a given time.
Who sees my pledge?
At FPC, our Financial Secretary is the only one who will see your pledge and giving. Pastors, staff, and members will not know what you give.