
During the summer months, we gather each Sunday morning for a 10am traditional worship service. We return to the 11am service time in the fall. Join us in person or watch live.

Music Program

Music is vitally important to our worship a First Presbyterian Church. Each week in worship, our choir provides anthems and offertories that serve as peaceful reflections, powerful prayers, and lively celebrations. They also lead special services like our Maundy Thursday, Evensong, and Christmas Eve Services.

Our Choral Scholars from East Carolina University are fundamental to our music program, and we are increasingly grateful for their gifts and leadership during rehearsal, weekly worship, and special services.

Additionally, we have an active Handbell Choir that practices weekly on Wednesday evenings and plays occasionally in our worship service.

If you’d like to lend your voice or your instrumental gifts to our music program, please reach out to our music director, Jim Smith. All experience levels are welcome.

Each week, our flowers in worship are provided by a member of our congregation, usually to honor a loved one, remember a special person passed on, or celebrate a special occasion–like a birthday or anniversary. On Monday mornings, this beautiful gift is then broken down into mini bouquets by a faithful team of volunteers and delivered to members of our church and community who need extra love, prayers and support.

Flower Ministry


What should I expect on a Sunday Morning?

We gather year-round for worship at 11am on Sunday Morning. You should expect a warm greeting from our ushers and a traditional service with liturgy, organ music, and a choir. Our services generally last about one hour and include announcements, hymns, a prayer of confession and assurance of forgiveness, a children’s sermon, choral anthem, scripture reading and sermon, affirmation of faith, prayers of the people and the Lord’s Prayer, offertory, and benediction. Folks generally exit the sanctuary through the narthex and gather informally outside in the breezeway.

Where should I go?

Our parking lot is across the street from the sanctuary entrance on the corner of Church Street and Thomas Street. Once you park there, cross the street and enter the main doors of the Sanctuary. There you will be greeted by our ushers. Our service starts at 11am and most people start arriving around 10:50.

What should I wear?

Come as you are, however you are comfortable. Most people you’ll see will be wearing business-casual “church clothes.” Some will be in a suit and tie or a dress, others will be in slacks and a button up or sweater. But please, come however you want.

Can my children worship with me?

Yes! We love our children and look forward to welcoming yours! We have a nursery available for infants and toddlers, if you so choose, and Pre-K kids and older are invited to begin worship in the sanctuary. Following the children’s sermon, those 2nd Grade and younger can either attend Children’s Church or sit with their parents in the pews. We have activity bags for children in the narthex for those who wish.