Community Partners
Covenant Homes
Started by FPC Rocky Mount in 1976, Covenant Homes is a local independent living center that provides affordable housing to qualifying senior citizens in our community. We support Covenant Homes with our financial offerings and providing bible studies, fellowship opportunities, and programming for residents.
Peacemakers of Rocky Mount
Peacemakers of Rocky Mount is a Christian community development organization serving the under-resourced area of South Rocky Mount in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Its mission is to partner with our neighbors in South Rocky Mount and surrounding areas by providing exceptional educational opportunities as they pursue self-sustainability and family flourishing. We support Peacemakers with our tithes and offerings as well as hands-on service, helping in their annual Christmas Store and Freedom School program and assisting with any emerging needs throughout the year.
Tar River Academy
Tar River Academy is an alternative schooling option for vulnerable teens. TRA strives to meet the unique needs of its students through innovative evidence-based practices addressing academic, social/emotional and career skills to help them overcome barriers and get back on track to reach their post-secondary goals. We partner with TRA by supporting its staff and administration, assisting with needs throughout the year, and hosting the annual graduation ceremony as we join in celebrating seniors who have conquered an unimaginable feat!
North Carolina Wesleyan University (NCWU)
The International Students at NCWU have a special place in our heart at FPC. Each fall, we welcome students to NCWU with goodies from our congregation, and we support the international students by pairing them with families in our church for regular dinners and a home away from home. We have also hosted an Exam Break SMORESFEST for them on campus and celebrate their graduation each year.
We also support:
- Agape Village Orphanage and School
- My Sister’s House Shelter
- FIGS – Filling in the Gaps
- Boys & Girls Club of Rocky Mount
- Down East Partnership for Children
- First Pres & Westhaven Pres Handcraft Ministries
- …and many more organizations.
To get involved, determine ways your family can serve, or organize a church service day, contact the church office!
Stationed and run out of our Kitchen at FPC, Meals on Wheels of Rocky Mount is committed to serving the homebound senior citizens of Rocky Mount a hot nutritious meal and providing a caring friendly visit with each meal. Nearly every weekday, volunteers from our congregation and community pick up prepared meals to distribute to those in need.
Meals on Wheels

The Lucas Project
Our congregation partnered with Building Shalom of Rocky Mount and two other local churches on the Lucas Project—a housing rehabilitation initiative to refurbish a blighted house into a beautiful home. After experiencing years of homelessness, poverty, and instability, the Lucases were selected for Building Shalom’s Home Ownership program. This program provides a holistic approach to homeownership as a ladder out of poverty. By empowering our neighbors in South Rocky Mount, Building Shalom is transforming a neighborhood, guiding those on the margins toward a flourishing life. Our church has contributed over 100 volunteer hours and pledged $20,000 outside of our operating budget toward this initiative. This money is seed money–ensuring that this program can continue to build up neighborhoods and, more importantly, our neighbors.